Into the Cracks
This is one of the first acrylic paintings I've done in a while- I'm quite happy with it.
Oscarlira 24 Aug 2015
Awesome drawing, that dark shadowing is Just incredible
RaihanZainal 15 Aug 2015
Nice details
Doodle-For-Adventure 8 Aug 2015
Really awesome:)
Puk 8 Aug 2015
The shading is excellent!! It brings the texture to life!
Neonrider 27 Jun 2015
interesting, but i'm not sure what it is.
dolphin snape 27 Jun 2015
dark and sinister...i like it
Scenestra 27 Jun 2015
Very interesting effect. One could assign a great many meanings to this work.
SoapyPnutwaffle 27 Jun 2015
Sorry, critiquing others works is not exactly my forte, but.. I LOVE the contrast of the white chains in a dark.. plaaace.. to be honest I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm looking at, but that's a good thing! It's part of the art piece and gives it a sense of mysteriousness. However you spell it. By the title I'm guessing that the darker areas are cracks of some sort. But that's all I got. XD It's so beautiful and I'm jealous.
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