More artworks made by didier1961


Robin Williams

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2015-06-23


  • kitten_500 16 Feb 2016

    It looks a bit weird from the head to the shirt, IDK if there is a way to fix it or not, but it is not bad so far

  • xpector 5 Nov 2015


  • didier1961 6 Nov 2015

    thank you !!!!

  • Crystal Jones 17 Nov 2017

    Nice =^-^=

    didier1961 19 Nov 2017

    thank's......... :---)

  • Doodle-For-Adventure 22 Jul 2015

    Cool Robin:)

  • Anonymous 27 Mar 2017

    I really love this job. :)

    didier1961 27 Mar 2017


  • Anonymous 25 Apr 2016

    Not bad!

  • didier1961 24 Aug 2015

    thank you soo mutch!!!!!!

  • osmanthusette 24 Aug 2015

    Sir/Ma'a, you are talented!!!

  • osmanthusette 24 Aug 2015

    Sir/Ma'a, you are talented!!!

  • didier1961 18 Aug 2015


  • rogerkr 17 Aug 2015

    Love it!

  • didier1961 17 Aug 2015

    thank you !!!! by de way it is DD

  • FaerieWarrior 17 Aug 2015

    love it XD

  • didier1961 23 Jul 2015


  • QueenofKawaii 23 Jul 2015

    I love it. Love the posture and color technique. Very nice!

  • didier1961 23 Jul 2015


  • leonardo55 28 Jun 2015

    Very good caricature!

  • nkdk 23 Jun 2015

    Very funny, great expression

  • NightMareTheArtist 23 Jun 2015

    Looking awesome, keep up the great work. You really did well with just about everything.

  • trevorp 23 Jun 2015

    Great caricature of a wonderful comedian.

  • Ivory Noir 23 Jun 2015

    Very cool. Great tribute.

  • Anonymous 23 Jun 2015


  • Iulia 23 Jun 2015

    It's looking good. Keep wokring on this painting and have fun with it

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