More artworks made by Doodle-For-Adventure

2014 Mark and Leela Halloween Love
When Halloween rolled around for Mark and Leela when they were in 1rst grade they deiced to make a bunch of treats and boy did they have a lot of fun making a mess of Leelas kitchen but it was all worth the fun and love they have for each other. this was a quick cutie idea I came up with and I lik the way it turned out. I tryed to make it look like Leelas face was buried into marks while she was laughing and hugging him. they were making Halloween treats and having lots of fun with all the crumbs they got every were. the pumpkin on the side of the picture turned out nice and the back ground is based off the way I built Mason and Leelas kitchen in the sims 3 which is what I wanted. and I also made it look like the moon light was coming thorough the screen sliding door if you can tell well Happy Halloween more Halloween Mason and Leelas on the way enjoy 2014
Eddieblz 20 Sep 2015
Very sharp piece.
NobleBacon 11 Dec 2015
Merlina 29 Sep 2015
Sweet :)
Mutantenfisch 26 Jul 2015
I love this! The characters really pop out from the background and your colour palette is again amazing. The whole scene is very cute. Well done.
QueenofKawaii 22 Jul 2015
Nice I like the texture
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