Buffy The Vampire Slayer(first draft)
I'm re-posting this because I liked this first version better...before I darkened the pencils up. (note: done in Comic Book style).
pencil recreations 4 Mar 2016
Hi Cpt....No don't give up your style is your style and that makes your artwork different and difference is what viewing pleasure is all about ...My work can gets busy with shading but I feel it is necessary for portraits for depth, where as you say comic book art gets inkers and colourist...No your work is different, as every ones perception is and I like your style and your ability to capture likeness ..."Stay with it ".......
CptShaw 17 Jun 2015
Ok, I give up...I'll post no more comic book style art on this site. Most people don't seem to understand that in a comic book the Penciler isn't suppose to do over shaded pencils, because you've got to leave something for the Inker and colorist...GEEZ! :(
Anonymous 17 Jun 2015
this is a magnificent artwork, it needs more shades , but still gorgeous
Anonymous 17 Jun 2015
Your pencil lines are well done and smooth in this! Perhaps blending them a little to soften or spread shadows would help out your technique, but otherwise, you're on a great road for portraits!
Anonymous 17 Jun 2015
it is a great work , needs more shades , but still a gorgeous work
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