More artworks made by Setasilvestre


  • littlenerdpup 30 Jul 2015

    I love the texture is this piece. You can just feel her loose, weathered shirt, the stray strands of hair brushing against her face, her neck bending forward. And the shading is perfect. 10/10

  • CeciliaX 2 Jul 2015

    Beautiful drawing :)

  • Photobones 2 Jul 2015

    This is just me talking, but I think they need to make a place for this in the National Archives. Why this one? Because it makes a perfect statement on the condition of American youth in our society in 2015. She is lamenting the divorce of her parents... she's sad that her parents both have to work so many hours to make ends meet that they have no time for her... she's afraid because neither of her parents can find a job and they're losing their house and belongings... she's sad that her friends are depressed, disillusioned, cutting themselves, and finding comfort in their own self destruction... she's despondent because she can sense her own potential but there's no one interested in helping her develop her hopes and dreams... she has no idea why there is so much rancor between liberals and conservatives, between theists and atheists, between Christians and Muslims, between blacks and whites, between straights and gays, and all she can understand from the television is that her sta

  • toddgetz 1 Jul 2015

    Nicely done

  • RosalieX 1 Jul 2015

    lovely artwork welldone!

  • pencil recreations 19 Jun 2015

    Great balance and again your shading is a1

  • Ragnar 15 Jun 2015

    incredibly good picture , good choice of motive and very well done

  • CptShaw 15 Jun 2015

    Beautiful! You captured her mood perfectly...I can feel her sadness. 5 stars and added to my favorites.

  • Rodaina 15 Jun 2015

    and what paper gives that old/ancient look? I love it :)

  • Rodaina 15 Jun 2015

    great work..what tools did you use?

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