More artworks made by crimsonlober_srisha
Programs Used: Paint Tool Sai , CS6 Graphics Tablet:IBALL Plz do take time to criticize my work...i"ll be obliged.
enzoroks 25 May 2015
wonderful artwork! I love how you did the skin, and light effects in the hand and the neck. my only comment is that I don't understand what is in her mouth and that i think you should add more colour to her skin, she kinda looks like someone from the movie Avatar (the blue people, not the Airbender one). but other than those, wonderfully done artwork :) congratulations :)
durga 25 May 2015
nice work
Anonymous 24 May 2015
Nice colors
hsr62 24 May 2015
Love the use of color. Appears to "glow" in the dark.
Mossagateturtle 24 May 2015
good and mysterious
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