Portrait girl
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Challenge: NecuArt VS blvckink
Anonymous 20 Jun 2017
DanielSoderberg 27 Feb 2015
Eyes are very good
Mutantenfisch 27 Feb 2015
Great perspective and use of contrast on her clothes. Maybe you could have put the same strong contrast into her hair? I suppose it could more realistic then.
Narella 27 Feb 2015
Oh wow!! It seems a photograph not a drawing! I love it
Jplatt 27 Feb 2015
Very nice use of space. The contrast is also very nice but part of me wonders if the eye liner on the top eye lids and maybe some of the shadow in the hair should be as dark as the black value used in the bottom half of the picture. You did a very good job of spacing on the facial features to show that her head is slightly tilted down. Very nice job.
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