More artworks made by MisLilith
Beauty in Snow
photo reference: size: A4 technique: charcoal and pencils (mechanical and non mechanical) HB, B, 2B, H, 4B, 2H (o.7, 1.0, 0.35, 0.5) time: 5 h perhaps
blvckink 28 Aug 2015
love this style :D
hubert perron 14 Feb 2015
ratΔart ( Sleepless) 14 Feb 2015
sekult 14 Feb 2015
Funny thing is that I love drawing hair, haha, but I understand you, usually those are the hardest parts, and I'm glad I could be of some help :3 keep on the good work x3
Anonymous 14 Feb 2015
Anonymous 14 Feb 2015
TWINS2 14 Feb 2015
Nicly done!! Really great shades and I love the total look!
sekult 14 Feb 2015
Okay let's start with the cherry of the work, the eyes, those eyes are beautiful, really, the negative parts add a really nice shinning, but I think that the most weak part overall are the lips and the hair, now don't get me wrong you got a very beautiful work here with very nice proportions, but after seeing what you are capable of by doing those eyes it feels like the lips and the hair were finished in a hurry, what I'll suggest is that you put a little more definition in both, after that this job would be just perfect, and btw I do enjoy those little speckles of white to simulate the snow, they do the job pretty well.
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