More artworks made by Nebo.Illustrates


Unicorn Princess's Paparazzi

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2014-12-29


Unicorn Princess is just a fairly obvious name for my character but at the time I spent all my creative energy on my piece. When I created this artwork, I had been experimenting with my personal style as well as creating characters. Along with my main character (The Unicorn Princess) I also incorporated in my red betta fish, Theen as well as creating an alien "peeping tom" character that I have used another piece. I first sketched out the figure and composition before transferring it to Adobe Illustrator. I enjoyed creating this piece and I have used Adobe Illustrator for other works, but I still haven't got the hang of it yet. I hope to learn more tricks of the trade to create more dimensional work. My inspiration was Hey Princess by Allstar Weekend. This piece was finished during June 26, 2014. @nicole_nebo


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