More artworks made by The Scorpion Art


Goku´s genki dama in comic style

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-12-28


I did this long time ago, but i want to share with you...


  • guscarlet 29 Dec 2014


  • Amh-Nobe 29 Dec 2014

    I actually don't know who it is:) but I think it's a nice work, I like colors and style

  • L0n3Gr3yW0lf 29 Dec 2014

    Nice work ... the shading and the coloring is done so nicely. It soothes the imagery very well.

  • Anonymous 29 Dec 2014

    brilliant the use of colour and shading is very strong, good work!

  • lunafay 29 Dec 2014


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