More artworks made by YamiNoHimitsu

Teacher No. 1-English
My specialty are portraits....I guess.... They are the most often given gift by me, and so far almost everyone enjoed it (apart from my biology teacher, who said that I could have made her look younger) This cheery lady here is my old English teacher. With this portrait I meant to thank her for dealing with me and my sarcasm and snappiness for this long. Also, one of my first portraits ever made. Oils on canvas
MKIII & AV59 13 Apr 2017
keep it up ^^
Anonymous 22 Dec 2014
Good job
PICHIVITO 22 Dec 2014
Bonito, pero le falta calidez cromática y definición. NEVER GIVE UP!
snakedaemon 22 Dec 2014
Sammy15 22 Dec 2014
Good except for the fact that some shadows are missing. This will increase the contrast.
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