More artworks made by Kanto Art
Ezequiel - Self and Evil Portrait
Finally, huh? That's myself!!! Search for Ezequiel Canto / Kanto Art in Facebook!!!
mindart 9 Dec 2014
looks cool but i would of just made one side evil and the other normal. love the blacks and whites . the picture remindes me of my brother he's really mean but theirs also a good side of him.
Dream.Guardian 9 Dec 2014
i like the eye
Anonymous 8 Dec 2014
This is a very interesting piece. I like that theres seems to be a light/dark contrast evident in this. However, I would suggest possibly making it more light vs. dark. I also think more shadowing would help to enhance this piece
themistervolt 8 Dec 2014
Shree Ahmed 8 Dec 2014
good :)
Kraomzies 8 Dec 2014
Pretty cool, like the light and evil :)
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