More artworks made by Allison Bostic


Archer Sketch

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-11-09


This is a sketch I've been working on for three days, I was originally trying to improve an older picture, but just had to start completely over. I was inspired by Luis Royo when I was drawing this, and how good he is with drawing people. I tried to make the anatomy look as realistic as possible by focusing on the shapes created by the interplay of light and dark values on the surfaces of the body, lots of improvising and keeping in mind the basic rule of guidance of 7.5 heads tall I created this. So tell me what you think? I might post the finish colored verison later but it depends


  • bullminotaur 9 Nov 2014

    One part of the bow is missing (this is annoying for me), however there is free space in the right side. I think next time you should strat with skeching whole caracter, and find a better composition. :)

  • bullminotaur 9 Nov 2014

    The caracter is fine, but the composition isn't the best.

  • Nekushichuu 9 Nov 2014

    Nice :)

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