Artwork views: 80003

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`Read the description attached to the image `

`Michael Jackson`

`For the memory of the great man.`

`Tim Burton Fanart`


`Pita-Ten (the manga/anime series)`


`Colored and uncolored comparison. A colored work on one side and its uncolored WIP on the other. `

` I try to put together what I have that could pass off color/BW. I did most of my work digitally, and I use color to layout my setting. `

`Cute anthro furry girl`

`Just a start to something big`

`Cute anthro furry girl. A free line base was used. Coloring free line art would be a close match up.`




`Little girl`


`Group picture (can be of a band, friends, OCs; must be more than two people).`



`Good Luck`

`Customized video game art`

`I am working on a side "gaming" project, and so far this is the idea that I have for the main page. KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS NOT A FINAL PIECE. ALL RIGHTS GO KITTEN_500 & MARCELLAD20.`


`Pet of luck to everyone`

`Two men fighting `


`Strange creatures drawing challenge`




`Surreal autumn`




`Original Character in Space (so nothing familiar like StarWar, Star Trek, or characters anything around that). USE YOUR IMAGINATION PEOPLE! `


`Bunny with Wheels `

`Not sure if there's a theme that i'm supposed to adhere to here but yeah haha `

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