Artwork views: 113784

Followers: 15

Following: 1

Score: 128730


If you leave a constructive comment, you will get credits !

`Video Game characters (Items, Locations, anything video game related really)`

`Nathan drake :) `

`Mixed media (mine is watercolor and markers)`

`traditional sketch with digital colours ^^`

`Naruto (please nothing else)`


`Harley Quinn (the catacter from Batman)`

`harley quinn and jinx`

`Drawings only`

`Good Luck :)`

`Drawings only`

`Good Luck :) `

`Drawings only`

`Good luck `

`Mixed media caracter `

`Fine liner, pastells, coloured pencils and ballpoint Pen. `

`Random caracter`

`No Fan art. Random enough?`

`Random mixed media :)`

`Acrylics, edding ans textile paint. Mixed media enough? `

`Dragon Ball`



`Superman :)`

`Star wars art`

`Rey :)`

`Handmade Jewelry`

`Hand made pendant :)`

`Villain from cómics `

`She's a vilain :P`

`A vampire`

`It's a vampire :)`

`Something blue `

`It's blue :)`

`Deadpool (please nothing else)`

`here it is`

`Muay thai (the martial art)`

`Good luck `

`The walking dead (nothing else please)`

`Good Dancers make you feel a part of the dance, my intention in this piece is also to pull you in,...`

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