
Artwork views: 70967

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Hello everyone / visitors, I'm a Dutchy!:) I mostly like to draw chalk/black pens drawings as a hobby. I prefer to draw birds, animals and still life(s) but I also like fantasy and especially skulls- 100% for my twin sister, she loves that stuff! Update 2021 Corona- Currently I am very busy with my job. I work as a therapist in the healthcare sector.. As a result I can't make my drawings that often anymore- so please don't hold it against me if I respond a bit late to a like, message or question. Stay healthy and safe everyone! On a site note: I hope you enjoy and (occasionally) love my work! :)

`Still live setting `

`This place still exists `

`Interior / Design`

`I have no idea what type of art was intended, but i have this.`

`Owl(s) `

`Good luck :)`

`Tree at river`

`Is a waterfall also oke..?:) `


`Good Luck!*-*`

`Interior Design. `


`Flowers, stil life. `

` `




`9 Birds and a Lady..:) `


`The moon but in a different way.:) Good Luck!`


`This is as close I can be.. Good Luck! `


`:) Good luck! `

`Trees / still live. `

`I'm new here, since I wanna try this :)`

`Twins. :)`


`Still live study / fantasy : anything goes, but within the fantasy theme. `


`dragon, dragonoid, or something dragon related`

`I'm not sure if this is ok- but it has a dragon in it! Good luck. `

`You can put anything :)`

`This was one of my very first drawings and its has pretty much all my drawing styles..:) `


`I hope more than one is ok..:) `

`Oasis.. The title says it all`


`Still Life`

`;P `

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