
Artwork views: 21233

Followers: 12

Following: 37

Score: 86530


I'm a self taught artist that likes drawing all types of random art . In a cartoon style type

`The sun `

`The sun is rising.`



`Apps (smartphone or tablet)`








`Made up character `

`what a penguin says to a panda.:)`


`I hope this is good enough :)`


`Drawn by using Paper by 53 app.`


`It's a wholly fictional breed, but in Germany it's also a metaphora for a thing that can do many different things at once.`

`Random scenery `

`here you go`



`Cartoonish crazy girl)`




`Made up character`

`*challange accepted* :3`

`Night scenery `

`good luck`

`Cartoon car`


`A look of wonder`


`Something having to do with a street (Not landscape, HAS TO BE urban)`


`Something abstract`


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