
Artwork views: 113093

Followers: 41

Following: 86

Score: 147340


Traditional artist from Czech Republic. Likes mythology, fantasy and other weird and mysterious stuff. Lived in Ireland and Finland. Currently working on series of paintings based on tarot cards. web page: www.

`Night scenery `

`good luck`




`Um, is this how you do it? lol`

`The Tower challenge`


`angel challenge`

`xD Yo`

`wanderer challenge`

`elephant wanderer`

`skeleton challenge`

`Hi! I want to challenge with you. Good look `

`germanic mythology`


`Fight scene`

`good luck`

`fantasy female nude`


`Werelizzards / Werewolves or anything that related to them.`

`Hope this counts as related:)`

`fantasy challenge`

`Not sure what to put here ......she's a mage `

`Beauty and the Beast`

`let the challenge begin :)`

`scary god`

`Let' see... Good Luck!`

`Challenge : Fire. `

`Let´s play. Good luck.`

`horror challenge`

`Good luck! :)`

`Queen of the Underwolrd`

`good luck`

`For The event, good luck`


`OL 2nd challenge for event`


`OL 3rd challenge for event`


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