
Artwork views: 113109

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Traditional artist from Czech Republic. Likes mythology, fantasy and other weird and mysterious stuff. Lived in Ireland and Finland. Currently working on series of paintings based on tarot cards. web page: www.


`boo !!`



`The Sun`

`For the joy of it`


`Sorry for the picture, I just had this one and the drawing is not anymore in my posses`

`No particular theme, just a craft challenge.`

`good luck`

`fantastic creatures from the deep`

`some fluffy huskies`

`Angel or winged creature`

`Here's a winged one`

`Something for Halloween`

`Like a creepy doll?`

`animal with person`


`germanic mythology`





`Um, is this how you do it? lol`



`Fantasy Map`

`Map of my new world Apathia`

`Here comes the giant!`

`He is a gentle giant`


`Something I drew while watching Shawn of the Dead`

`JRR Tolkien´s inspiration`

`Here is my Tolkien's inspiration`

`here u go:)`

`Infinite Thanks `

`For The event, make yours :)`


`For The event, make yours :)`


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