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Artwork views: 24697
Followers: 29
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Score: 687240
Group Fantasy Art
`Fruits and vegetables`
`stormtroopers never miss and will win for sure`
`Only foods, fruits, bread and vegetables`
`Still life colorpencil`
`Night scene`
`Good luck`
`Night Scene`
`Scenery (with flowers)`
`Random Because nobody cares about subject anyway !!!`
`lets do it!`
`Dragon tribal`
`Let's go!`
`had an eagle sketch already, so why not ? `
`Elephant head`
`Sonic OC`
`lets do it`
`Elephant 2`
`Let's have fun`
`Elephant 3`
`Elephant 4`
`Piguin power :D`
`Geisha `
`x mas print 2`
`x mas print`
`monkey business`
`challenge accepted :)`