
`Never could resist a kitten.`

`Face sketch`

`Hi Good Luck Have Fun!`

`Drawing showing action`

`How about action between giant robots? Also, could you comment to let me know that these messages are seen? `

`oldie TV Show fan art!`

`they're anime shows? XD sorry, I have nothing else, good luck! :)`

`Spider's web`

`Just trying`

`Lots of weapons including familiar and iconic ones like Link's Master Sword. Meeting this with a similar theme like a detailed revolver or sword would be exciting. Please something weapon related.`

`Well, there's a sword so I guess it is weapon related xd`

`Video Game character General. Any video game character/characters in any style.`

`Okage Shadow king`


`Best of luck`

`girl portrait graphite (no color please) `


`black and white. dead nature`


`Studio Ghilbi art challenge only please `

`Good luck`

`Lets try this new thing.. :D `

`Okay :D`

`I challenge you`

`challenge accepted lol`

`Paint on a wall :)`

`does wood count aswel ?`

`Let's see what is out there!`


`a portrait`

`This is A Manga's Portrait`


`I'll prolly lose but hey, what the heck. Game on!`

`Ornamental challenge`

`blue robotic ornament`



`My boyfriend`

`HAHAHAHAAH i just had to accept LOL ....in my dreams he is :P`

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