
`Tribute to the 80's`


`Dark reaper....Good Luck`


`Good luck :D`

`A character relaxing`

`Let's have fun relaxing :3`

`war past present and future`

`Victims of a Thousand Holy Wars.....Good Luck`


`Good luck! (-^_^)9`

`Historical Figure`

`Ceremonial nazi ritual.`




`Good luck`

`Freddy krueger`

`Just a sketch from me^^`

`good luck`

`Thanks ;)`


`Good luck....`

`Tribute art`




`Horse drawing`


`Incomplete drawing`

`hello! I challenge you!!!!!!!!!!!! (-^_^-)7`


`. . .`

`Self Portrait`

`ok :)`

`The doctor`

`"Knock, Knock Who's here."..`

`Doodle !`

`This my doodle ^^`

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