If Only Ushbus Were Real
Here is the first artwork of Ushbus the cat on this website. He is more cartoony and this is my realistic version of him. I was also trying pen on canvas and I liked it. This isnt my best version of the picture because i lost my art files after getting water on my computer, but I finally found the good one on my portfolio flash drive. If they make it where you can change the picture in edit i will re-upload it, but for now im lazy and keeping it like this haha.
Tomas 28 Aug 2015
Nice idea :)
Hill's Beverly Creative 22 Jan 2017
This is a strange piece. Starts to tell me a story. Cats with gs masks after the wars of the near future. Good texture on the fur. Bizarro tail ! Keep it up !
rengaderacer154 11 Aug 2015
You did an excellent job on this. Nice job :)
deleted_user 23 Oct 2014
how deliciously creepy! Wonderful detailing on the mask, and interesting effect for the fur. Is that a lion-like tail? Great use of shading overall! Maybe add some light reflections from the lenses of the mask? Though keeping them black and depthless also has aesthetic appeal!
BloodlessTwin 23 Oct 2014
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