More artworks made by asiaspyro

This is my first real digital media using Paint Tool Sai and a mouse! If you have any tips or critiques please tell me, I want to improve! Orihime and Rukia (c) Tite Kubo This drawing? all mine (c) asiaspyro October 20, 2014 16
deleted_user 23 Oct 2014
Very nice Bleach fanart! The use of the shadows to tie them into their background is very well done! I also like how you play with line thickness. As for critique, Rukia's upper arm looks too thin, and Orihime's forearm is a little too long. I'd say that both their hands seem too small, but that might be a style choice. Rukia's legs are great, but Orihime's thigh is both too long compared to her calf, and also doesn't seem to have any healthy muscle to it. It could widen more as it goes up; not a lot, but a little more than it currently does. You might try to shorten the thigh a bit by both extending 'Hime's torso down and her lower leg up a bit (it's a bit odd that her knees are right above Rukia's, but her butt and small of her back are significantly above). Their faces are lovely and I like the shading on Orihime's hair and the shine on Rukia's (: . Orihime's feet are a little too small (especially since she is significantly taller than Rukia, but Rukia seems to have bigger feet). I
Anonymous 23 Oct 2014
what are these characters from?
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