More artworks made by sapphireinferno777

This is something like a goat or a dragon, but the face may be different. Don't know what I drew but made an attempt at an anthro drawing. Hasn't been colored yet. Any comments, feedback, and ratings are welcomed.
deleted_user 22 Oct 2014
The shape of the face and snout looks good, and I like the horns and ears! The chest looks like pretty solid anatomy to me as well. The wrist and hand look a little narrow compared to the thickness of the forearm and the thumb should have a shallower angle on its bend (the first joint looks a bit thin compared to the other fingers). The eyes look a bit oddly wide open - maybe add a hint of a lid or try defining the brow ridge a bit more, or shift the irises and pupils up a bit so they aren't quite so centered (since his muzzle is pointing down they should probably sit with the bottom of the iris just touching the bottom part of the eye lid and the iris a little less than half hidden by the upper lid)
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