More artworks made by Iguruwashi

Vincent Law-Of Man and Proxy
Vincent Law from the anime Ergo Proxy is my favorite anime character. He starts the anime being passive and just wants to be the "perfect citizen" of Rondo, the last domed city of mankind. However, throughout the anime he realizes he's something else, a proxy-a manmade god made to prepare the Earth after mankind went to colonize space after poisoning the atmosphere in a methane explosion but then after the sky cleared up the sun would kill the proxies allowing the selfish humans to rule the Earth when they returned. Vincent Law ends goes on a journey to uncover the truth of the "proxies" and is the man-proxy: a man cloned from the first proxy who is able to live through sunlight. He's my favorite character because of his change into a strong minded determined young man who's not afraid to find out the truth from a suffocating "utopian" city to face a dying world on the outside of the dome and for the interesting duality of his character between him as Vincent and as Ergo Proxy. My drawing shows Vincent at the bottom holding the mask he wears as the "Ergo Proxy" and with Ergo standing on top of an abstracted Rondo (the main domed city). I used sharpie markers.
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