More artworks made by Josiel Rodrigues

Green Arrow
Green Arrow
Challenge: JPW Artist VS Josiel Rodrigues
kitten_500 19 Apr 2016
The hoody looks a bit weird, it looks like foam than fabric. A little more detail around the face would nice, maybe more shadow or cross hatching to give it that human skin texture. Try to get rid of the outline of the hoody around the flowing hair section because it is a bit distracting. The arm seems to be too buffed, it looks like he is on steroids. Finally, there is not really an arc to him, he is so flat, but maybe have the chest stick out and push back the crouch area or the other way around.
trevorp 13 Sep 2016
Great artwork :-)
Josiel Rodrigues 25 Sep 2016
Crystal Jones 30 Jul 2015
Nice work. ^^
hubert perron 5 Nov 2015
well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LadyFuzztail 4 Nov 2016
The attention to detail is impressive, I really like how you did the musculature on the arm. However, it seems that the overall sense of form has been forgotten, removing any sense of overall depth to the picture. Next time, try starting with the overall shape of the figure, then work your way towards more detail.
Wolfierocks45 26 Nov 2016
Really loving the shading and the pose. He looks killer and just fantastic overall, really well done :)
Wallace Arts 17 Oct 2014
nice i like you style of work
KyofuAmano 17 Oct 2014
Very nice!!
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