More artworks made by JustinErickson

Creativity and Sterility
Some 33 hours went into this piece... Done primarily with coloured pencils. The butterflies are the representation of our thoughts, fleeting, holding shape yet remaining fluid. The birds represent our thought process, quickly moving from one place to the next. The coloration in her hair can represent the lasting impressions our ideas can have. In her reflection the stark monotone can represent the influences society has on an individuals creativity. The smoke in essence represents our ideas and thoughts being distracted or overshadowed, leaving a small glimpse of what was, or could have been.
Becky.Rose 14 Oct 2014
Beautiful. I absolutely love it!!
angelique65 14 Oct 2014
very good
Hanoyuki 13 Oct 2014
It is really very good one. It is so live!
Anonymous 13 Oct 2014
Malkavian91 13 Oct 2014
Can't believe this was done with coloured pencils! Brilliant job! :)
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