
More artworks made by trevorp



By trevorp
Type: photo Uploaded: 2024-08-03


A local Australian Pelican at Windang NSW.


  • pencil recreations Aug 12

    Oh and trev duck into the challenge section have a couple of challenges there that have stalled o. One or the other ...

    trevorp Aug 12

    Hi Nev. Have voted for a lot of your art on those challenges. They seem to have stopped getting votes for some strange reason. Keep up the great work and I will keep voting for you. Cheers from Trev :-)

  • pencil recreations Aug 12

    Beautiful color and fine detail in this one trev...

    trevorp Aug 12

    Happy with this pic Nev. Am glad you like the colours and details too. Cheers from Trev :-)

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