More artworks made by Armorwing


Subject Zero's Rampage

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2024-07-17


Artfight attack against Zomb13geist. This body horror beast was begging for an entire scene draw. Speedpaint:


  • pitichampi Feb 13

    Hello I'm developing a project that requires the use of illustrations. I particularly liked yours and it fits in perfectly with what I'm looking for. It's an open source project under the Creative commons cc-by-nc-sa licence. This means that, if you agree, I can use your illustration in this context. Your work will be distributed freely, may not be resold (within the framework of this project) and, of course, you will be given credit. Please note that I want original illustrations that are not generated by AI. If this is the case, please let me know. The project url and full description are available here: Please let me know if you agree to join this project. Without a positive response from you, I will not include your creation in the project. Best regards

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