
More artworks made by uproarious


guardian angel of macho reefer smokers

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2024-05-23


In the haze of smoke and tangled dreams, Where macho reefer smokers reign supreme, There lies a secret, an unseen force, A guardian angel to guide their course. Through the clouds of doubt and endless nights, This angel watches, bathed in holy light, Protecting those who seek escape, In the soothing depths of cannabis tape. With wings of emerald and eyes of gold, This angel’s presence is ever bold, Whispering words of wisdom and grace, To those lost souls in need of a safe space. For macho reefer smokers, misunderstood, By society’s harsh and judgmental brood, This angel offers solace and care, A reminder that they are not alone in their despair. So let us bow our heads and pray, To the guardian angel of macho reefer smokers, today, May they find peace in their hearts and minds, And leave their troubles and worries behind. For in the smoke-filled haze of night, This angel shines with radiant light, Guiding those who seek a better way, To find solace in the midst of disarray. So let us offer our prayers and love, To the guardian angel watching from above, For macho reefer smokers, lost and forlorn, May they find comfort in the light of morn.

Challenge: snakedaemon VS uproarious


  • pencil recreations May 26

    Hi up man thanks for the fav... not a smoker but wish I had a set of ab's like this dude and if I drink red bull will I really get wings LOL. .Poetry is nice as well...Looks a bit like Thor..

    uproarious Jun 2


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