More artworks made by D.E.S.T.R.O.Y.E.R


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. OC Prizrak

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2024-01-07


Old S.T.A.L.K.E.R Original Character (2008-2009 year of creation). Former "Dark Stalker" half-mutant, now a powerful psionic and the Guardian of the Zone. Character's music themes: - Tomandandy - Savior (OST The Covenat) - С.У.М.Е.Р.К.И - Ворон (electr.version2014) - Fear Factory - Invisible Wounds - Kanno Yugo - Kiri I - Mad At Gravity - Burn - Atrium Carceri, Kammarheit - Colossus - Samuel Kim - Something In The Way


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