More artworks made by Jeanpooh


  • Jeanpooh Jun 7

    Hi Nev please contact me on messenger Jean Cameron is my name so I can get your address and send the painting

  • pencil recreations May 13

    Jean please forgive my total brain snap I am so sorry. Nev

  • pencil recreations May 9

    Hi Again ..oops fat fingers again Well just finished the 28 days of therapy now a 3month wait for the next PSA ..still no symptoms other than super tired..but last PSA is heading in the right direction..will know more in July. .Have been very quiet during April due to treatment but had a little drawing kick start just now .yep living in Brisbane (where are you? and it would be so cool to take up your let me know how .. Yes your prayers and mine for all of us.. How is your son now?Have met so many since I started treatment ...and a couple fully cleared ..Love the surf just back from a week in Iluka NSW....Ok Jean hope to hear from you ...Nev

    Jeanpooh Jun 3

    Hi Nev, how are you coping today. I am so aware our lives are no longer made up of time like days but moments. My only son left this world and I am coming up two years and I miss him fiercely. I live in WA and would early love to send you the painting. I am on Facebook and can be reached on messenger under Jean Cameron. If you drop me a line I can get your address and mail you the painting. It would bless me to bless you

  • pencil recreations May 9

    Hi Again Jean

    Jeanpooh Jun 7

    Hi Nev you can find me on messenger Jean Cameron I live in WA that we we can make co tact so I can send you the painting

  • pencil recreations Mar 12

    HI Jean eye Laser surgery seems to have worked first hurdle over ... And second hurdle prostate cancer is the next, radio therapy starts next week no symptoms and caught early and contained (one hopes) so I will still be a little while working the graphite,get tired easy but its nice to be able to let you know where I am at... old mans disease apparently .will come back to you when its thumbsup...Until then will pop in occasionly and enjoy your art especially your ocean scenes ..Take care ....Later Nev...Love the force and pound of this wave ...

    Jeanpooh Apr 7

    Hi Nev so sorry to hear of what you are going through and the tiredness I cann7nderstand my son was so tired as well from treatments. I live in Australia and if you do, would be a blessing to me to gift you with the painting. I have been away in South Africa the last 6 weeks visiting family. Hence, waiting for my mojo to come back, but nothing as yet. Being back home is hard reminded of my son who I miss fiercely. Believing and praying for a full recovery and a life full of good health going forward

  • pencil recreations Jan 27

    Hi Jean thank you for sharing and yes I am sorry for your loss can only imagine how you feel ...In a way on reflection it's not fair that the younger go first..not sure how we would handle that ..anyways thinking of you...this 2024 has been a little rough for us as we were looking to a quiet start to the year but one does not know what is around the corner ..have one more hurdle to face myself but eyes forward for both of us ...will keep in touch ... oh and yes keep the beauty in your art ...and me art wise we will see..Nev....

    Jeanpooh Feb 9

    Hi there, thanks so much for you kind words and consideration, I really hope the hurdle has passed for you and you experience excessive good health, prosperity in all you out your hand to and peace in abundance. Blessings to both of us

  • pencil recreations Dec 31

    Nice are still producing lovely work Jean...Happy new year catch up later to c you Nev

    Jeanpooh Jan 6

    Happy blessed and healthy New Year to you too, and thank you for your kind comment. Been a bit quiet my side … very reflective my son left this world and the missing him is more intense during this period than the usual day to day moments. I look forward to seeing your creations this 2024

    Jeanpooh Jan 6

    Thanks so much Nev, hope you re happily creating. A blessed healthy 2024 to you too

  • mochimochimoon3 Nov 12

    Very nice!

    Jeanpooh Nov 25

    Again thank you for viewing and commenting on my art

    Jeanpooh Jan 6

    Thanks so much, looking forward to seeing some of your creations, do you do art? Or just and enjoyer either way have a wonderful 2024

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