More artworks made by goslingl12

Jay Z
Jay-Z is a hugely popular hip hop artist and an icon within the music industry as a whole. I drew him because of my admiration of his music, but also his entrepreneurial acumen which has seen him create clothing labels, beverages, clubs, restaurants and even ownership of an NBA basket ball team. I like this picture because it conveys his artistic side as well as his focus and drive. @wgdesign_london (twitter) WG Design (facebook)
goslingl12 10 Oct 2014
Thanks Cuthallon- much appreciated! Yes pls do mutu09, and let me know when its up- I'd love to have a look at it
Cuthalion 10 Oct 2014
Very well done. :)
mutu09 10 Oct 2014
Amazing. I have a drawing of T.I, the KingofdaSouth as it is called. Maybe i will post it in the near future
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