
More artworks made by trevorp



By trevorp
Type: photo Uploaded: 2023-07-07


Some beautiful PINK DAISIES growing in our front garden at the moment


  • ZiggysSweets 10 Jul 2023

    Props to you if you could plant them all. I wish I had the patience for flowers.

    trevorp 10 Jul 2023

    Cheers- Thanks for thinking it was an honourable task. We planted them all a long time ago and now they keep producing beautiful flowers :-)

  • sanjay-pasari 7 Jul 2023

    Beautiful flowers. A beautiful plant is like having a friend around the house.

    trevorp 7 Jul 2023

    Cheers - for your kind words. Agreed that flowers around the house are like having a great friend around.

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