More artworks made by VedR1109

The Dreaming Man
My newest masterpiece done and finished today in only technical pen on small frame and yellow paper. This rather surreal picture, which one of my rare takes on the ganre, represents human's many senses, many open doors in the man's hidden subconscious that connects his mind to the astral / aetherial realm above the meterial realm through dreams and state of mind which with its "third eye chakra" enables to see the spiritual realm anchored to the human realm. You can easily get lost in this place andwake disorianted if going unprepered, away from the place in your mind that is familiar to you. This was done in free time and with the desire to experiment and try out for something more random, surreal and avant-garde and it seems that I got what I was searcing for and then some. The results are satisfactory. This may be the start of me venturing into the series of surreal art where I will be drawing supernatural, surreal and dream based. I hope you like it, fans of surreal art.
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