More artworks made by anidioticDip

It's not really a statement - just felt like painting some some buffalo then added blood because it looks striking on yellow backdrop. These light paintings are admittedly not my highest quality stuff. Usually when make I art it's attached to some impactful life event. For these I wanted to see how good of work I could do in a short amount of time with little going on - light not heavy. You could say they were made to be disposable. This one is particularly corny in my opinion, but as it turns out a neighbor liked it and bought it for $20. Later I sold three more from this collection, believe it or not, to strangers on the street - the turtle in flames one, the blue abstract and toilet piece. I kept the aching thirst one and the remaining two - asleep and brown board are for sale at a local pawn shop. So it's basically pocket change for these light paintings. Thing is I cannot bear to part ways with my most personal pen drawings and paintings - besides they wouldn't go for much more. I still want to be an artist - but not a graphic designer or someone who does fan art commissions. These jobs have a place but I mean an artist artist, a serious avant-garde visual artist. Maybe, maybe not. For now all I got are ideas that have taken years not to make. My easel is a daily reminder of this - it was custom made to hold large illustration boards. So far it's only been used for a few paintings and zero illustrations This photo was taken on 7/29/21
Jeanpooh 30 Sep 2021
Although a bit distressing … blood and buffalo… the art piece and creative mind behind it is unique well done to you. Never dispose of your art, if it is your passion it has value
anidioticDip 7 Apr 2022
I will
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