More artworks made by mikaela_olivia



Type: digital art Uploaded: 2021-08-09




  • M@RTY 12 Jan 2022

    Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be hurtful in any way. I just thought it was a bit lazy at first. I'm very sorry.

  • M@RTY 11 Jan 2022

    Why would you repost the same thing, but with a slightly different design? That's just plain lazy. It's a different story if you didn't like the original design, you could always delete the original artwork, but because you didn't delete the original artwork, other people will think you're lazy. Including me.

    mikaela_olivia 12 Jan 2022

    A lot of people post multiple versions of the same piece. It shows steps in the process or an improvement over time. I, like a lot of people on here, want to record my progress as I get better as an artist.

  • trevorp 17 Aug 2021

    Interesting design :-)

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