More artworks made by NoraKimi


Kimimi SSJ4 (Pt 3)

Type: digital art Uploaded: 2021-06-14


Pt 3 of Kimimi as a SSJ4


  • NanFe 15 Jun 2021


    NoraKimi 15 Jun 2021

    Thank you!

    NoraKimi 15 Jun 2021

    Hi, thank you and I agree about the energy around the hand! I didn't know where to go with it after that and I basically got lazy lol

  • Lark 15 Jun 2021

    I love the perspective used, and the shine on the leather really brings out the material. The shading used on the skin really adds a nice softness to the piece as well! If there were one thing I'd love to see different it would simply be the energy around the hand more detailed, but it's hard to determine what that would look like in a realistic setting anyway, so seeing a Saiyan painted in such a lovely way already is wonderful!

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