More artworks made by Art of Chiara

Fiona Belli and Hewie (Haunting Ground) 3D statue
#HauntinGround #Demento #fionabelli #survivalhorror #playstation2 #videogamescharacter #Artofchiarasculptures #statue #sculpture #3dprint #resinmodel #hewie #demento #clocktower #capcom #alchemy #azoth #conceptart #render
pencil recreations 21 Jan 2022
been out of my art for some time due to family problems and relocation..just popped in to make sure I amstill alive ..hey thanks for the followhope to get more involved when the dust is settled..but any way great to come in and check out your gallery ..which is very unique..such lovely work...
Art of Chiara 25 Jan 2022
Thank you very much ;)
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