More artworks made by ModifiedRabbit

Mr. Modified Rabbit
*Not sure if i have to put it as mature content or not. Let me know if i do please. Also not sure if its showing up properly once clicked. The thumbnail seems fine but its weird when i get it into full view.* This is a piece I did for a cover photo on my FB art page, with Halloween in mind. ( I LOVE Halloween. It is the only holiday i celebrate (I dont even really celebrate my own birthday. lol) and I just LOVE that I can get dressed into whatever I like without someone giving me crap, for once. I also LOVE sweets and who doesnt love free candy right? Its the time of the year when people can just be whatever they want to be for the night and no one judge them. It can be fun with friends, family or even on your own. Its a great night. In this piece, my Original Character, Mr. Modified Rabbit, has his own mask for halloween. His little minions are prepared to play many horrible tricks on people. Maybe gorge themselves on said people as well, as a nice treat to themselves. lol Anywho, the artwork and lettering was all done traditionally with ink and colored pencil. Some markers used for shading before colored pencil went over it. The background (the faded/worn looking bit) was a digital thing. Enjoy!
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