
More artworks made by VedR1109


Sunlight,Moonlight,Violetmoon and Darkness

Type: painting Uploaded: 2021-04-15


The hand painted artwork done for Valcyrie and her mates Dracosolis,Valiamoonseer,Zarukh featuring their dragon sonas posing in their attires and in their element. Valcyrie's link: The artwork was comissioned on summer 2020. but due to the great strain,pressure of obligations for doing art-trades,concepts and helping my family,the process of working on this picture was heavly slowed down and it put a great strain on my scheadule and it arrived too late.On the bright note,this painting is published on January 1st 2021. which is between old year and new year and thus hold a significant meaning and the bridge between two years of the new decade.Between 2020 and 2021.Kind of between 2000 and 2001. but still different and interesting. It is finally finished! I am open for 5 more comissions in hand-painted,digital art and colored sketch for 33$ - 49$,the colored sketch would go for 24$


I really like how you have created a great visual piece here using Dragons as the main subject. The colours are quite vibrant and the way that you have incorporated a fair amount of old style text makes this painting seemingly ancient or extremely old. I think that you have done quite an amazing job here with regards to the whole form and layout of the actual painting. I feel that your style is quite unique as well as this is not something that I am normally used to seeing on Our Art Corner. Hope that you will continue to produce a lot of other work that is of the same high standard as this current work. Best wishes for the future - kind regards from Trevor OAC.


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