More artworks made by Firekeeper25

Teela Bloodborne
Vidicitus Nocturnious are a type of canid that resides within the Void. They are commonly called void hounds. They usually hunt in packs that are lead by an alpha male and female. Alphas are a mated pair. Most packs are formed when a bunch of loners form a tight knit group. They continue to live till they are killed. The oldest void hound is so far 1,995 years old. They come in a variety of colors and markings. Colors are not passed down but are randomized. They have special powers unique to their species. When they are full grown adults, they have full control over their abilities. Young adolescents start to gain their adult abilities the moment they turn two. They are born with their venomous bite. The younger they are the more dangerous their bite is as they have no control on the amount they release. Adults and young adolescents have more control on what they release. They speak through telepathy outside their own kind. Strong emotions affect them. If there is too much negative emotions, it can and will trigger their Fighting Form. The Void hound fighting form is dangerous. Void hounds were bred for battle. They can take injuries without feeling pain while in this form. It is when they are not in their fighting form that they feel the pain. While in their fighting form their muscles rip out of their skin as it grows while their spine becomes highly visible. If uncontrollable, they will bite anything and anyone. In order to control their fighting form, it takes a long time. You have to be patient with them. Void hounds can leave a nasty bite. Just cause they almost look like overgrown foxes doesn't mean that they don't have serious bite force. They have lock jaw and when they bite that is a combination of how German Shepard's and pit bulls bite. They also have a venomous bite…lethal to is uncertain how it affects supernaturals. However, they can control their venom like a snake can. They are extremely loyal and protective over who they watch over. A Void Hounds adult height is 4' 3". Adolescents height is 2' 5". They have streamline bodies and have feathers along their head and back of their neck. They also have a long fluffy tail that if wrapped against their side...the tip would reach their nose. Void hounds become adults at the age of 4. They become adolescents at the age of 2. Void hounds eyes are pitch black that shine in the light. it helps them hunt in complete darkness. Void hounds can open up rifts in space to get to their target via magic. They can see in the dark easily as it is like daylight for them in a sense. They also can see things like how Riddick can see....depending on their mood. Their powers grow as they grow. When they are pups, they don’t know how to create rifts, but once they are in their teenage years, they are able to learn how to open rifts. Mot of the time, teenager void hounds learn to open rifts when they get really pissed off. Then they usually start training with fully grown adults to master their skill. When they punish themselves…they can tend to go overboard. They cannot help it. The bigger the reason why they punish themselves, the harsher the punishment. They wont stop till they have been forgiven for the “sin” they have done. It could range from self harm to not eating. Having a pack mentality, they usually follow their alphas orders. Mating Female Vidicitus Nocturnious usually go for the strongest available male. Males tend to bring gifts from hunts to show their interest in the female. Should multiple males want to be mated to a particular female, males would show their strength in sparring sessions. The strongest, cunning male who is able to fend for himself in multiple sparring matches, tends to be the one the female will pair with. Alphas, should they decide that there is a stronger female or male, will tend to look for a stronger partner. However, the longer the partnership with their mate, including any rank, the less likely they will leave their mate. Should a stronger male challenge and defeat an alpha male, the female might stay with her mate, depending on how long they were mates, or she might decide that the new male is more suitable to her mate. Territories Vidicitus Nocturnious tend to have large territories in order to survive and hunt. There are rarely and territorial disputes with other packs unless the challenging pack is in desperate times. Southern packs tend to hunt in fields where Northern packs hunt in forests as they are more in mountain ranges. Rogues tend to hunt in no man’s land where they are not in a pack territory. Temperament Northern packs tend to rely on their strength to take down their prey or foes. Southern packs usually use their cunning more than their strength. Rogues use both their strength and their cunning to out wit their prey. They never have to worry about nocturnal or diurnal. But if they are in a place where there is a day time and night time, they can be crepuscular or all three…depending on their activity. In a plane where there is a day time and night time, they can adapt to the plane with time. Depending on the age, some adapt faster then others. However, if they hunt diurnally…they don’t rely on their nocturnal vision of black and white. The Void The Void is a dark plane of existence. It has no sunlight at all so the flora and fauna have evolved to survive. Fauna have developed a sense to where they can see clearly and the flora have developed bioluminescent features. The flora can glow in the dark without the help of any light. Touching the flora will make them glow slightly brighter. The fauna can see the flora’s and fauna's light in black and white….like its aura. Some fauna have developed glowing body parts. The Void deer have antlers that glow white, the fish have developed flashing lights along their body. Birds feather tips on their wings glow depending on their feather color. Vidicitus Nocturnious have glowing marks that run down their sides. Each Vidicitus Nocturnious have unique glowing patterns. Insects have glowing antennas. However insects usually go by scent at the tips of their antenna. Equines have glowing markings along their legs which the colors vary as well as patterns. Some of the felines have developed nose flaps that rise up to help enhance their sense of smell. The felines have developed a trait only to their genesis that they have six appendages, two pairs of front legs and one pair of back legs. Should a Vidicitus Nocturnious find and go through a rift in space and enter a world of light, depending on their age; they can adapt to it swiftly. The Void is a plane of Nullifying existence. Nothing but neutral beings can enter the Void. If someone of good or evil were to enter, their powers will nullify and they would be weaker than they naturally are. Others can make rifts to get to the void, but they cannot enter with repercussions. Body features Vidicitus Nocturnious are a type of canid. However, they have head and neck feathers. Markings can vary from stripes, socks, stars, spots, tipped, or none. Colors and markings vary and are not passed down to offspring. Traits of markings and colors are randomized in the womb of a female Vidicitus Nocturnious. They have a long fluffy tail that when wrapped around the body can cover their noses when they are lying straight. They have pitch black eyes that shine in the light. Deaths Vidicitus Nocturnious don’t bury their dead. Instead they surround the fallen and howl a special song to honor the fallen. Northern and Southern packs have different songs to honor their fallen. If there is no food, they will feed on the corpse…but only in dire need. Powers restrictions Making rifts in space are a natural ability, but they can only make rifts on the set plane they are on. They can’t make a rift into another plane. For example, if a rift was open in Mammut, the rifts only stay on Mammut and not to the Void. Their riddick eye sight cannot work during the day, or they will go blind. Their venomous bite has a restrictive amount before they need to stop and replenish their venom...which usually is restored after they sleep if they used up all of it. Religion They have no religion. Due to being completely animalistic, they have no gods or goddesses. They have no concept of religious figures. Diet They eat meat. Whether it is human or animal. When they are not feeling well in their stomach they will chew on plants
Firekeeper25 4 Jul 2020
This is what her scientific name is and about her species Vidicitus Nocturnious are a type of canid that resides within the Void. They are commonly called void hounds. They usually hunt in packs that are lead by an alpha male and female. Alphas are a mated pair. Most packs are formed when a bunch of loners form a tight knit group. They continue to live till they are killed. The oldest void hound is so far 1,995 years old. They come in a variety of colors and markings. Colors are not passed down but are randomized. They have special powers unique to their species. When they are full grown adults, they have full control over their abilities. Young adolescents start to gain their adult abilities the moment they turn two. They are born with their venomous bite. The younger they are the more dangerous their bite is as they have no control on the amount they release. Adults and young adolescents have more control on what they release. They speak through telepathy outside their own kind. Stro
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