Octopus playingfield
Honestly, I had no idea what I was doing with this ... Just fun!
Challenge: deathlouis VS TWINS2
pencil recreations 19 Apr 2020
Fine ocky work Louise, exceptional detail.. I am a sucker for a great drawing and this is right down to the ship...
TWINS2 19 Apr 2020
Haha thank you!!
bennijssen 19 Apr 2020
That's the best way to get started with a piece sometimes.
TWINS2 19 Apr 2020
Indeed.. many thanks!
pencil recreations 4 Jun 2020
Hi Louise ,ok where are you with the underwater game am really missing seeing yours especially if it is a great as the above ..the clock is ticking... I agreed with you, I had no idea what to draw so I just kept adding to an octopus ..and added ..just a lot of marine I really have not drawn much before ..just fun...
TWINS2 8 Jul 2020
Hi Pencil, Iwas working on a turtle, but then something came up- family member got really ill- (Luckily not COVID19) I hope I can finish before the game- But I think I'm already too late ..?Best of luck with yours!
pencil recreations 9 Jul 2020
Hi Louise ,understand about your situation, family first I have a brother in NSW that has been placed in hospital psyc ward so that has taken a lot of my attention.. will be trying to get down to NSW this weekend for a couple of days.....Hope my exemption will get me back into state next week.do want to pay hotel 14 day solation... Re underwater world yeah held out waiting and then submitted (just had a bit of fishy drawing nothing special)but there is a lack of anyone nominating another game so the other one has stalled ..only 4 entries If I remember .still waiting for a new game till then its still up in the air.. ..any ways hope we get to have a heads up chance again in another game ....and also that all is better for you both... Nev
TWINS2 2 Sep 2020
Yes, but still...I'm very sorry for the delay! I am responding a bit late to this message - fortunately I am doing better, also with my family. I hope that everything goes well with you also and with your family, especially now with this pandemic?I think that is very different in every country .. I live in the Netherlands and things are going reasonably well here - but the surrounding countries are not doing so well at the moment. That causes a lot of unrest and does not make the atmosphere any better. But in any case I wish you the best of luck and I hope your brother will feel much better in the future.:) From now on I will try to respond more often and on time! (i hope) Oh and I'll see that I can come up with a few new games. ;)Louise
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