More artworks made by MKIII & AV59
Enola Gay
n'hésitez pas de commenter et liker, je vous dites à de prochaine dessins ^^ ---- --- do not hesitate to comment and liker, I tell you at next drawings ^^
dnprostudio 2 Apr 2020
so nice work for digital art work
pencil recreations 1 Apr 2020
interesting choice of names ..that plane ..anyways not sure but you sure went to a lot of line work and perhaps that is what I like about it the detail.. anyways commented to let you know..and hey check out and vote on a few challenges while you are there..
MKIII & AV59 2 Apr 2020
I was inspired by the music of the same name which were also inspired by the plane in question, when I knew of this point of detail, I made sure to make the drawing rather creepy with my usual messy side, thank you for this comment, it's been a long time since I had not received so interesting
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