
More artworks made by trevorp


WIP - Duck Billed Dinosaur

By trevorp
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2020-03-21


My WIP INK PEN Drawing of a Duck


  • dnprostudio 26 Mar 2020


    trevorp 28 Mar 2020


  • pencil recreations 23 Mar 2020

    I can only add to Dl's comment fascinated by the detail...well the borders I think are closed and the challenge goes on, Snake has just finally finished one challenge,again One up to the closeness of the finish almost like that field goal in the 79th minute...we are still neck and neck...but not over till it is over.. yes Trev your patient ability in your drawings is wonderful and I am enjoying my involvement with you....again catch up shortly..Nev

    trevorp 23 Mar 2020

    Glad you like the detail in my drawings of Dinos. Yes our borders are now shut - but will this stop the rapid spread of COVID-19? Not entirely sure. Yes - I agree challenges have been a tad bit weird lately. Snake is extremely hard to beat - in the best of times. Think you have this Dino challange in the bag. Will keep drawing detailed Dinos - for a period of time until I decide to draw something else. Keep up the great artwork in the meantime. I have enjoyed our challenges lately. Cheers Trev :-)

  • deathlouis 21 Mar 2020

    Dinosaurs are such a fascinating animal, you really capture the life well, the time and detail you put in always amazes me, how long do these normal take on average? Truly fantastically wonderful artwork!!

    trevorp 22 Mar 2020

    I am fascinated by Dinosaurs and most extinct creatures - since there is no reference point other than a replica drawing most of the time. I try to capture the essence of creatures that I draw. Sometimes I spend up to 3-4 hours doing a drawing. Am glad that you like the outcome when it comes to some of my recreations. Am grateful for your very kind words :-)

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