Track to Beach
A track leading to a local beach
dnprostudio 23 Mar 2020
great photo for this beach
trevorp 23 Mar 2020
Thanks - it is a nice beach :-)
pencil recreations 25 Mar 2020
Hi Trev, Was so very nice to come across this picture ..I really love the time I have spent walking on tracks like this to savor sand in the toes and it's heat and scrunch, the beauty ,freedom, seagulls flying ,sea breezes and sound of the surf and yet that definitive silence between each break as the waves roll in...the sun on my skin and the feeling of infinity in the horizon paddle in the water,mmm been fishing so many past times in the surf on beach's digging out pippy with the fisherman dance... and then catching those elusive fish.. All changed now still go to places like Iluka and Pottsville when we get the chance for a holiday but because of trawlers no fish...just the walking on the beach...used to surf not any more...I would live here missus wouldn't so we live in the country...enough daydreaming... Now what was the question...Yes Trev like this picture a lot, as you can see it stirs my dream imagination...hey maybe we can have a beach photo challenge? let me know... Yes i
trevorp 26 Mar 2020
Hi again Nev. Am glad you like this pic. I sought solace at this beach when my first marriage failed and I had to live by myself. It was nice to go to such a lovely spot. Enjoyed all of the sights and smells but particularly loved the sound of the waves. It was great to hear the noise coming from the surf also at night. I must say that I always love living close by a beach. There was a period of time when I lived away from the surf beaches. It felt weird for quite a while. There is something comforting about moving back close to the surf. I live in Shellharbour now and am close to a beach where I work. Maybe we can do a beach photo challenge. That would be pretty cool I reckon. Cheers again from Trev.
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