Photo of a local beach close to where I once lived.
dnprostudio 21 Mar 2020
beautiful view for this beach
trevorp 21 Mar 2020
Glad you like this photo :-)
pencil recreations 1 Apr 2020
yeah Trev so unusual for us ,up till now we have had so much freedom ,go where we like do what we want ..and to be held up by a flu extract virus Chinese made is just un Australian.. it's deadly though only to oldies like me apparently couple of youngies succumbed . we have stopped leaving the premises ,send out the younger daughter for supplies ..should be ok...Supposed to go to Illuka around June but that has to be re viewed ….Have been gardening and on site trying to get artists to vote ...am one up and one down to Snake he is great so is death louis Lol your right, he hard to beat ..Thought it funny and a bit "do dah do" that the gentleman challenge and yep picked the same reference as Snake ..mine I drew a few years ago and decided to use it just too clear another challenge.. and he picked the same one ..how's that for irony....mine was darker didn't adjust contrast, his well, his eye a little different but hey feel I am nearing his level you have seen it I think ..amazing..
pencil recreations 1 Apr 2020
It would be so nice to be out on the Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pencil recreations 30 Mar 2020
Nice feel to this one Trev mine will have to be good ...Love the light balance you use a filter...Been watching Bondi beach on tv ..this is far from the huge crowds.. almost hear the waves.....
trevorp 1 Apr 2020
Love the look and sound of a beach Nev. Happy with the overall look of this particular photo. Like the look of Bondi Beach and bit of a shame with access there at the moment.
Shane224 19 Mar 2020
kindly respond back to me through my email address (shayelynnehas@gmail.com) Thanks.
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