More artworks made by Armorwing

Keep Calm and Wash Yo Hands!
With all the health scares going on recently (at least 1 per year, it seems), sometimes you gotta remind people that things are not as bad as they’re made out to be. A little bit of hygiene and common sense will go a long way, after all! This CV hysteria is out of hand, and I'm combating it with memes. What a time! Like this? Buy it here: Speedpaint:
dnprostudio 12 Mar 2020
great painting for this picture
czmanga 20 Mar 2020
just great!
pencil recreations 11 Mar 2020
The climate is getting hard yeah but here in Aust things are not that bad....yet ..yeah what a time and maybe getting out of hand.. flu season around the corner.. oh well wash hands maybe buy toilet Armo we have our art and your keep calm is well apt comment … hey if you have not voted in the challenge section please do to help clear the back log ...lovin your art....nev
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