More artworks made by FaerieWarrior

Pagan Fighter Pegaeae
Woot here's another character who lives in the same world as Meliae Pegaeae is a spirit of water, specifically of springs. Due to humanity's folly, she's become very aggressive when it comes to protecting the ocean and its wildlife. I hope you like her design! If you want to see exclusive sneak peeks of my works, become my patron for as low as $1 a month!
pencil recreations 28 Jan 2020
hmm !!!! a little greenie dressed in blue like her already...nice design.. checked you at Deviant not familiar with oldy perhaps
FaerieWarrior 31 Jan 2020
haha glad you like her design, Meliae is a newer character of mine. I think i drew this back in novemeber but if you check out my gallery on dA, its on the first page.
FaerieWarrior 31 Jan 2020
ah I also mistyped the title, this character's name is Pegaeae XD so that might also be why you had trouble finding her on dA.
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